SOBRE A WV International Auctions

The foundation of WV International Auctions is directly related to Haras WV, the rural entrepreneur Wilson Vitório Dosso, which has been active in the equine market since 1976.

With 40 years of know-how as a breeder and through the commercial growth needs of the echinoculture market, Wilson Dosso invested in 2005 in the creation of WV Auctions, a cattle management center specializing in management projects and commercial strategies for this market, supporting the breeder and the investor, promoting the sustainable growth of their productions and creating the conditions for them to obtain competitive differentials.

Today, with a portfolio of almost 800 auctions carried out throughout the national territory, WV is a market leader in this livestock segment, committing itself to the growth and consequent improvement of the quality of the plants of each client, attending them in a personalized and efficient way .


Participate effectively in promoting the sustainable growth of equestrian breeds in Brazil, generating financial and institutional returns to buyers and sellers.


Provide full commercial advice to equinoculture breeders or investors, generating positive results not only in the commercialization but also in the valuation of their brands, conquering their trust and the loyalty of customers with productive partnerships.


Innovation, appreciation of people and ethical and transparent relationship with clients, partners and employees.

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